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About the project

At the origin of the CellSpeak project is the experience of working on projects with growing software size and complexity and the realisation that existing tools were not allowing to adequately address the problems this caused. Working in the electronics consumer industry, we saw the requirements, size and complexity of the software for our products grow at an astonishing rate. Despite the professionalism of the teams - hundreds of engineers in several locations around the globe - and the use of state of the art project and software management systems, it became increasingly difficult to deliver the software on time for our yearly product cycle, often peeling away new functionality as the final release date of the software approached. On top of the new functionlity, hardware for our products changed every year , driven by cost and performance requirements, and it was often hard just to port an existing system to the new hardware with barely time left to add the new features that the market required.

The monolithic, inter-dependent nature of the application also made it prone to regression because of the many expected and unexpected links between the various part of the system. Communication between subsystems, threading, and the associated problems of data-integrity can quickly become unmanageable for any non-trivial application.

Many of the services that our products needed to provide also required integration of external software, often using on-board libraries, but increasingly through the use of API's that connect to external systems to deliver their services. The classical development tools do not have what it takes to build these types of complex, interconnected, asynchronuous systems.

Additionally it became increasingly difficult to keep up with the pace of hardware innovation - new mult-core processors were often not used to their full power.

What we realy needed - but which was not available at that time - was to a programming platform that would allow us to address the problems we were facing at their most fundamental level, that would allow us make truly modular software, cut dependencies were none were needed, use available hardware effectively etc. That is how the CellSpeak project started.